- manage physical indicators on his site - developcoordinate the site quality improvement plan following guidelines from groupproduct grouppromote quality culture (1)insure qrqc is well implemented everywhere - implement 5 axes methodologies in the site- manage quality network in hisher site (1) sqa technician management in daily supplier incident management (5w2h)qr validation (2) challenge sqa network to obtain fta in timeconfirm pdca action. (3)manage the quality ptm for p0, in launch team of p1for p1 for “development sites” (4) laboratorycalibration when relevant - audit the quality system periodically (internalsupport of customer audit) - co-chair the pvc for p1 projects from phase 3 until the end of the project (for whole p1 on “development sites”) - chair the major p0 pvc - for modifications, ensure the respect of the 4m procedure - represent customer within valeo on quality matters (communication / escalation) - manage incidents (clr-logistic) internallywith customer - contribute to warranty treatment activity (detection, communication, qrqc) - represent quality in technical committee when relevant (depend on organisation)